Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sparring Seminar with Master Chewning

January 7, 2011, Master Chewning came to work with the students of ATA West Chester. He taught the first ever XMA Creative class. The 20 students in class learned all about the awesome XMA experience including combos, wushu butterfly kicks, and had a great time learning from an XMA World Champ.
Right after XMA class, Master Chewning taught a special sparring seminar. 35 students received Master Chewning's World Champ knowledge of free sparring. The insight helped them develop combos that will help them win in the ring in the next tournament. Everyone was tired and worked really hard, but came out with more confidence in their 'Champion' skills! Thanks Master Chewning
(Sorry about the blurry picture. Everyone was moving too fast!)

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