Monday, June 28, 2010

Rookies Of The Year

Ms. Boulden and Mr. Jouan enjoyed all of the things that World Championships 2010 had to offer. Ms. Boulden certified in the Jee Pahng Ee (cane) while Mr. Jouan certified in the Combat Bahng Mahng Ee (stick fighting). Opening ceremonies was incredible. Emotions were running high. Mr. Jouan and Ms. Boulden had a chance to go onstage to hold boards for Senior Master Dilegge as he tested for his 8th Degree Black Belt. The highlight of the week was the 2009 School Owners Awards. ATA West Chester received the award for Rookie School of the Year. Along with accepting the award, Ms. Boulden and Mr. Jouan got to go up in front of everyone and shake hands with Grandmaster Lee and the Founders Council. It was a great time to watch competition, make new friends, reconnect with old friends, and learn new Songahm material. Thanks to Ms. Gladson and the rest of the crew for holding it down while Mr. Jouan and Ms. Boulden were away.

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