Sunday, September 13, 2009

1st Annual School Picnic

Yesterday was our first annual ATA West Chester school picnic at East Bradford Park. We had over 80 students and their families attend. We were fortunate enough to have the rain stop for us! We kicked off the picnic by introducting the jahng bong(long staff) to the students and having a seminar taught by Mr. Jouan. The students discovered that they really like the jahng bong as the newest leadership weapon for their training curriculum.
After the seminar everyone ate. We had so much food!!! The picnic was potluck, so that means that each family brought a dish to share. Some of the tasty foods were pulled pork, hamburgers, hotdogs, baked ziti, chicken fry, pasta salad, chili, cookies, brownies, and more. We ended up having so much food left over that we donated the extra food to Safe Harbor in West Chester. Safe Harbor provides hot meals and food for those less fortunate.
The picnic was a great chance to have the students and parents mingle outside of the school and off the mat. Many new friendships were made and many stomachs were filled!

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