Saturday, May 16th was our first annual Spring Open House. We kicked it off at 12:30 with a Dynamic Kicking Seminar, at 1:30 we did the ATA Kidz n' Power program, and then at 3:00 we did a Board Breaking Seminar. We had over 100 visitors throughout the day! We gave out free hot dogs, potato chips, pretzels

, and Wawa drinks all day. We also had a live DJ, as well as having many local businesses in attendance such as the new Learning Rx and the First National Bank. The West Chester Police Depatement & Fire Department were there to show off their vehicles and to talk with the kids. It was fantastic! We also did fundraising activities for the Avon Breast Care Fund. We had a bake sale, wood boards for a donation, facepainting, and an hourly mega raffle. At the end of the day we raised over $250.00! We surpassed our $200.00 goal! We could not have done it without our loyal ATA families and close friends. We are glad everyone enjoyed themselves!
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